François Fages is research director (DRCE) at Inria Saclay and part-time professor at Ecole Polytechnique. He passed his Doctorate Thesis in 1983 at age 23 on unification theory and automated deduction, and got a research position at CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, where he worked on the theory and practice of rule-based programming, with also part-time assistant professorship at Ecole Polytechnique (1985-98) and part-time consultancy at Thomson-CSF/Thales group (1985-96). In 1999 he joined Inria and got interested in computational systems biology. He currently leads the LIFEWARE project-team, develops the computational theory of chemical reaction networks (CRN), coordinates the development of the BIOCHAM modeling software for systems and synthetic biology, and collaborates with biologists and pharma industry on challenging questions in cell signaling, cell cycle, circadian clock control, learning CRN from temporal data, and CRN design for synthetic biology. He gives Master courses on “Biochemical programming” and "Constraint-based modeling and algorithms for decision support" at Paris University and Ecole Polytechnique. In 2014, he received the Michel Monpetit prize from the French Academy of Sciences, and in 2019 the La Recherche prize.

Civil life: I'm born in August 1959 in Paris 14. I married Colette Fages in 1984. We are the proud parents of Virginie Ribet, Anne Fages-Charr and Jean-Guillaume Fages. I play piano. We like to travel.