Sixth International Workshop on
Bin Packing and Placement Constraints
August 31st, Cork, Ireland,

associated to the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2015

Workshop Organisers :

Nicolas Beldiceanu (EMN, France)
François Fages (Inria, France)

  Additional Program Committee Members:

Hadrien Cambazard (IPG, France)
Mats Carlsson (SICS, Sweden)

François Clautiaux (Univ. Bordeaux, France)
Andrea Lodi (Univ. Bologna, Italy)
Silvano Martello (Univ. Bologna, Italy)
Helmut Simonis (4C, Cork, Ireland)

Bin Packing and Placement problems are an old but still challenging topic that has been tackled with different approaches.

On the one hand, the aim of this workshop is to share recent progress made on pure problems by using any algorithmic technique (or a mix) like Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Constraint Programming, Logic Programming, Local Search or Evolutionary Algorithms.

On the other hand, the aim is to present challenging problems formulated and/or solved by these methods, or challenging extensions that have a practical interest and for which pure methods do not directly work.


9h-10h Invited talk - Helmut Simonis - Data Centre Optimisation and Bin Packing: An Overview.

In this talk we present different optimisation problems related to the operation of data centres and virtual machine assignment, and study their relation to bin packing. The use of virtual machines for packaging user services has allowed a large improvement in running data centres more efficiently. Multiple virtual machines can be packed on the same physical server, allowing efficient use of computing resources, while minimising any interference between the applications. By moving virtual machines between servers we can reduce the overall energy cost as the work load changes during the day, switching off machines or even complete parts of a data centre in slack times. Moving services between data centres allows to exploit temperature differences between day and night, and between geographical zones, and also gives an opportunity to minimise electricity cost due to time variable prices. In some situations, we can control which tasks are accepted to be run (demand acceptance), or schedule runs at times that best utilise available resources. Underlying the models for many of these problem variants is the bin packing global constraint and its variants, or versions of the cumulative constraint.

10h-10h30 Coffee break

10h30-11h00 Vincent Armant, John Horan, Nahid Mahbub and Ken Brown. Cumulative constraint problem for assessing a ride sharing system

11h00-11h30 Ignacio Salas and Gilles Chabert. Packing Curved Objects

11h30-12h00 Thierry Martinez and François Fages . On Translating MiniZinc Constraint Models into Fitness Function for Evolutionary Algorithms: Application to Continuous Placement Problems

12h00-13.30 Lunch

Call for papers

Submitted papers can be

     * Extended Abstracts of new results or
     * Abstract of ongoing works
     * System presentations (with demos at the workshop)
     * Summaries of already accepted or recently published results

on any topic concerning bin packing and placement constraints.

Submission style is the standard llncs style. Page limit is 6 pages (authors can refer to long papers but only short papers will be reviewed).

By submitting a paper to BPPC'15, the authors commit that, if the paper is accepted, at least one author willl present the paper at the workshop.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: July 1st, 2015 on Easychair
Notification to Authors: July 24th, 2015
Camera-ready due: July 31st, 2015
Workshop: August 31st, 2015

Previous workshops: BPPC'14, BPPC'12, BPPC'10, BPPC'09, BPPC'08

This workshop is sponsored by 

the French ANR project Net-WMS-2 follow-up of the EC project

Last update: April 22th, 2015