Fifth International
Workshop on
Bin Packing and Placement Constraints
19th 2014, Cork, Ireland,
associated to
the Eleventh International Conference on the Integration
of Artificial
Intelligence and Operations Research
techniques in Constraint Programming CPAIOR
Workshop Organisers :
Beldiceanu (EMN, France)
François Fages
(INRIA, France)
Additional Program Committee Members:
Cambazard (IPG, France)
Mats Carlsson (SICS,
Clautiaux (Univ. Bordeaux, France)
Andrea Lodi
(Univ. Bologna, Italy)
Martello (Univ. Bologna, Italy)
Michael Moffitt
(BazaarVoice R&D, USA)
Helmut Simonis
(4C, Cork, Ireland)
14.00-14.15 Welcome
14.15-15.00 Jean-Charles Régin. Invited talk: Bin packing: knapsack, transportation or assignment?
In this talk we will consider several way of modeling bin packing problems.
First, we will consider a model focused on the knapsack constraint and we
will study its limit. Then, we will investigate to use a transportation
model. Unfortunately, this approach will quickly show its limit. At last, we
will explain in detail how a model based on assignment can be more efficient
and lead to new promising research area.
15.00-15.30 Deepak Mehta, Barry O'Sullivan, Cemalettin
Öztürk, Luis Quesada and Helmut Simonis A
Bin-packing Approach to the Spectrum Allocation Problem
15.30-16.00 Gilles Simonin, Benoit Darties, Rodolphe
Giroudeau and Jean-Claude König Scheduling
coupled-tasks with incompatibility constraint: a bin-packing related
16.00-16.30 coffee break
16.30-17.00 Thierry Martinez, Lumadaiara Vitorino, François Fages
and Aggoun Abder On Solving Continuous Packing
Problems with the CMA Evolution Strategy
17.00-17.30 Ignacio Salas, Gilles Chabert and Goldsztejn
Alexandre The non-overlapping constraint between
objects described by non-linear inequalities
Bin Packing and Placement problems are an old but still challenging
topic that has been tackled with different approaches.
On the one hand, the aim of this workshop is to share recent
progress made on pure problems by using any algorithmic technique
(or a mix) like Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Constraint
Programming, Local Search or Evolutionary Algorithms.
On the other hand, the aim is to present challenging problems formulated and/or solved
by these methods, or challenging extensions that have a practical
interest and for which pure methods do not directly work.
Submitted papers can be
* Extended Abstracts of new results or
* Abstract of ongoing works
* System presentations (with demos at the
* Summaries of already accepted or recently
published results
on any topic concerning bin packing and placement constraints.
Submission style is the standard llncs style. Page limit is 6 pages
(authors can refer to long papers but only short papers will be
By submitting a paper to BPPC'14, the authors commit that, if the
paper is accepted, at least one author willl present the paper at
the workshop.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 4, 2014 on Easychair
Notification to Authors: April 25, 2014
Camera-ready due: April 28, 2014
Workshop: May 19, 2014
Previous workshops: BPPC'12,
BPPC'09, BPPC'08
This workshop is sponsored
the French ANR project Net-WMS-2 follow-up
of the EC project 
Last update: April 24th,