Sylvain Soliman

Sylvain Soliman

Computer Science Researcher

Inria Saclay, Lifeware team


Since 2002 I am a permanent researcher (CR) in the Lifeware (formerly Contraintes) group of Inria Saclay (formerly Paris-Rocquencourt).

My research interests focus around Computational Biology and Theoretical Computer Science. In this context I’m one of the main developers and maintainers of the BIOCHAM platform. This is where most of the techniques I develop, using Constraint Programming, Model-Checking, and other formal methods get implemented.

On top of my BIOCHAM developments, you can find below other side projects concerning Vim, Prolog, etc. I used to maintain separately Nicotine, a constraint-based software for Petri-net invariant computation and Tropical equilibration, but it has now been completely merged into BIOCHAM.

I was teaching for about 15 years in the MPRI and for two years in the AI&AVC Master. You can find below more information.

I am president of Inria Saclay’s Scientific Commission, and since 2016 I was on various Ph.D. grants committees. When I was in Rocquencourt I was president of the Doctoral Committee for quite some time, and of the Technological Development Commission for a few years.

  • Constraint Programming
  • Computational Systems Biology
  • Model-Checking and Petri nets
  • Structural analysis of ODE-based models
  • HDR (Accreditation to Supervise Research) in Computer Science, 2016

    Université Paris-Sud

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2001

    Université Paris Diderot

  • MSc (Engineering degree and MSc equivalence) in Computer Science, 1996

    École Polytechnique

Recent Publications

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Scalable Enumeration of Trap Spaces in Boolean Networks via Answer Set Programming. In AAAI 2024 - The 38th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 10714-10722, 2024.
Efficient Enumeration of Fixed Points in Complex Boolean Networks Using Answer Set Programming. In Roland H. C. Yap, editor, 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2023), pages 35:1–35:19, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2023.


I teach/taught in the following frameworks:

  • in the Paris Computer Science Masters (M2 Research), I am in charge of the Constraint Programming course;

    • class 1 - Introduction to CLP, operational semantics, examples
    • class 2 - CLP: fixpoint semantics
    • class 3 - CLP: logical semantics, CSP: solving by simplification and domain reduction
    • class 4 - CLP: the Warren Abstract Machine, CSP: Symmetries
    • class 5 - CLP: typing; CHR; Programming project discussion; MiniZinc and CLPZinc
    • class 6 - CC: examples, operational and denotational semantics
    • class 7 - CC: linear logic semantics; LCC
    • class 8 - LCC: logical semantics, links with CHR; EMoP: modules for LCC/CC/CLP
  • I used to be for several years teaching assistant for Java classes corresponding to the Informatique Fondamentale lessons of Jean-Jacques Levy at École Polytechnique. Then I taught in the third year course about “Constraint-based Modeling & Algorithms for Decision Making”, the 2nd year MODAL “Programming in the Language of Life” and the Bachelor course on “Constraint Logic Programming” (plus some other TA things here and there)

I also supervize some internships on the dedicated page of the Lifeware team.
