Course handouts CSC_51055_EP - Constraint-based Modeling and Algorithms for Decision Support (36h)

Modèles et Algorithmes à base de Contraintes pour l'Aide à la Décision

François Fages, Mathieu Hemery, Inria Saclay Ile de France

Ecole Polytechnique

Master Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing

Master of Science and Technology


The purpose of this course is to present constraint-based methods for mathematical modeling and computational solving of combinatorial search problems, with applications especially in industry and life sciences.

Each lecture of approximatively 2h will be followed by 2h of practical work for illustrating the taught concepts and manipulating the associated tools.

The logic programming language SWI-Prolog with its constraint solving libraries (, and a constraint-based modeling library ( inspired by the MiniZinc modeling language) will be used as a unifying framework for both the mathematical modeling of decision making problems and the programming of constraint solvers, and for showing the practical complexity of different models and different solvers on some NP hard problems.


  • 50% mean of your best 5 over 6 TPs
  • 50% final written examination.


Schedule 2024-2025

Previous written examinations

Previous year 2022-2023 based on MiniZInc+Python

The purpose of this course is to present constraint-based methods used in automated reasoning and search problems. Each lecture of approximatively 2h will be followed by 2h of practical work for illustrating the taught concepts and manipulating the associated tools on decision making applications. The constraint modeling language MiniZinc with different back end constraint solvers (SAT, FD, LP) will be used as a unifying framework and as basis for showing the practical complexity of different solvers on some NP hard problems.

Schedule 2022-2023 (see Moodle 2022-2023)