The Biochemical Abstract Machine BIOCHAM 3

EPI Lifeware, Inria Saclay-Ile de France

developpers mailing list:

Warning: Biocham 3 is deprecated and no longer maintained. The new version of Biocham 4.0 was released in Sep 2017. It is available here and online.

The last version of Biocham 3, version 3.7 is available online. Warning: if you encounter a problem mentioning access with https, delete your HSTS setting for the site in your browser (for Chrome connect to chrome://net-internals/#HSTS and delete the url, for Safari delete the file ~/Local/Cookies/HSTS.plist)

Biocham 3.7 was released in July 2015. See what's new

Biocham 3.7 is also available as a REST web service.


The Biochemical Abstract Machine (Biocham) is a modelling environment for systems biology, with some unique features for static analysis or for inferring unknown model parameters from temporal logic constraints.

Biocham is mainly composed of :

Biocham is a free software protected by the GNU General Public License GPL version 2. This is an Open Source license that allows free usage of this software.

Feedback on the use of Biocham in applications, research or teaching are particularly welcomed.


You can also try running some Biocham commands through the online version.


Try the last version of Biocham online.

Download and Installation

Binary versions:

We recommend that you have already installed first Java version >= 1.5 for using the GUI of BIOCHAM.

Then you just need to execute and follow the instructions of the setup program.

Source version:  Biocham-3.7.tar.bz2.

To install from source (which may be difficult on some platforms), and to be able to use all the features of Biocham, you need to install also:

The installation then basically proceeds by
make install

If a recompilation is needed on your machine, you may need to install also:

The file INSTALL explains the compilation and installation procedure for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (at least 10.4).


See the bibliography of the user's manual

Feedback and bug reports:

Mail to