Constraints are a natural way to represent knowledge, and constraint programming is a declarative programming paradigm that has been successfully used to express and solve many practical combinatorial optimization problems. Examples of application domains are scheduling, production planning, resource allocation, communication networks, robotics, and bioinformatics. These proceedings contain the research papers presented at the 12th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP'07), held on June 7th and 8th 2007, at INRIA Rocquencourt, France. This workshop, open to all, is organized as the twelfth meeting of the working group on Constraints of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). It continues a series of workshops organized since the creation of the working group in 1997, that have led since 2002 to the publication of a series of books entitled ”Recent Advances in Constraints” in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Springer-Verlag. In addition to the contributed papers collected in this volume, two invited talks were given at CSCLP'07, one by Gilles Pesant, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, and one by Jean-Charles R égin, ILOG, France. The editors would like to take the opportunity to thank all the authors who submitted a paper, as well as the reviewers for their helpful work. CSCLP'07 has been made possible thanks to the support of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), the Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA) and the Association for Constraint programming (ACP).