Pauline Traynard

Model-based Investigation of the Circadian Clock and Cell Cycle Coupling in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts: Prediction of RevErb-α Up-regulation During Mitosis

Experimental observations have put in evidence autonomous self-sustained circadian oscillators in most mammalian cells, and proved the existence of molecular links between the circadian clock and the cell cycle. Some mathematical models have also been built to assess conditions of control of the cell cycle by the circadian clock, with applications to cancer chronotherapy optimization. However, recent studies in individual NIH3T3 fibroblasts have shown an unexpected acceleration of the circadian clock together with the cell cycle when the culture medium is enriched with growth factors, and the absence of such acceleration in confluent cells […]

Thu, Jun 1, 2017

Model-based investigation of the circadian clock and cell cycle coupling in mouse embryonic fibroblasts: Prediction of RevErb-α up-regulation during mitosis

Experimental observations have put in evidence autonomous self-sustained circadian oscillators in most mammalian cells, and proved the existence of molecular links between the circadian clock and the cell cycle. Some mathematical models have also been built to assess conditions of control of the cell cycle by the circadian clock. However, recent studies in individual NIH3T3 fibroblasts have shown an unexpected acceleration of the circadian clock together with the cell cycle when the culture medium is enriched with growth factors, and the absence of such acceleration in confluent cells […]

Tue, Nov 1, 2016

Model-based Investigation of the Effect of the Cell Cycle on the Circadian Clock through Transcription Inhibition during Mitosis

Experimental observations have put in evidence autonomous self-sustained circadian oscillators in most mammalian cells, and proved the existence of molecular links between the circadian clock and the cell cycle. Several models have been elaborated to assess conditions of control of the cell cycle by the circadian clock, in particular through the regulation by clock genes of Wee1, an inhibitor of the mitosis promoting factor, responsible for a circadian gating of mitosis and cell division period doubling phenomena. However, recent studies in individual NIH3T3 fibroblasts have shown an unexpected acceleration of the circadian clock together with the cell cycle when the milieu is enriched in FBS, the absence of such acceleration in confluent cells, and the absence of any period doubling phenomena […]

Tue, Dec 1, 2015

Trace Simplifications preserving Temporal Logic Formulae with Case Study in a Coupled Model of the Cell Cycle and the Circadian Clock (Best Student Paper Prize)

Best student paper award

Sat, Nov 1, 2014