Aurélien Rizk

Continuous valuations of temporal logic specifications with applications to parameter optimization and robustness measures

Finding mathematical models satisfying a specification built from the formalization of biological experiments, is a common task of the modeler that techniques like model-checking help solving, in the qualitative but also in the quantitative case. In this article we go one step further by defining a continuous degree of satisfaction of temporal logic formulae with constraints. We show how such a satisfaction measure can be used as a fitness function with state-of-the-art evolutionary optimization methods in order to find biochemical kinetic parameter values satisfying a set of biological properties formalized in temporal logic […]

Wed, Jun 1, 2011

Design, optimization and predictions of a coupled model of the cell cycle, circadian clock, DNA repair system, irinotecan metabolism and exposure control under temporal logic constraints

In systems biology, the number of available models of cellular processes increases rapidly, but re-using models in different contexts or for different questions remains a challenging issue. In this paper, we study the coupling of different models playing a role in the mammalian cell cycle and in cancer therapies. We show how the formalization of experimental observations in temporal logic with numerical constraints can be used to compute the unknown coupling kinetics parameter values agreeing with experimental data […]

Sun, May 1, 2011

A general computational method for robustness analysis with applications to synthetic gene networks

Mon, Jun 1, 2009

On a Continuous Degree of Satisfaction of Temporal Logic Formulae with Applications to Systems Biology

Wed, Oct 1, 2008