
First-order Computation Tree Logic solver on linear arithmetic over the reals

Thierry Martinez, François Fages

FO-CTL(ℝlin) is a solver for full First-Order Computation Tree Logic with linear arithmetic over the reals in constrained transition systems (CTS). CTS are transition systems where both states and transitions are described with constraints.

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Integer or floating-point values.
x, y, A, foo, etc. and their prime versions in the transition constraint: x', y', A', foo', etc.
Arithmetic operators
+, -, *
Comparison relations
=, <, >, <=, >=, \=
Logical constants
true, false
Logical connectives
/\, \/, =>, <=>, not(...), exists(x, ...), forall(x, ...)
Temporal modalities
EX(...), EF(...), EG(...), EU(..., ...), EW(..., ...), AX(...), AF(...), AG(...), AU(..., ...), AW(..., ...)


The current version is 1.1. FO-CTL is written in Prolog ( and requires SWI-Prolog with PPL bindings (see README for more details).


2012-04-26 1.1
Widening, fixed-point arithmetic
2012-01-28 1.0
Initial version