CaSQ: Celldesigner as Sbml-Qual

CellDesigner model to SBML-Qual encoded logical model converter

   ______      _____ ____
  / ____/___ _/ ___// __ \
 / /   / __ `/\__ \/ / / /
/ /___/ /_/ /___/ / /_/ /

The former page with an interactive CaSQ converter has been deprecated.

CaSQ allows you to convert a CellDesigner model to a logical model with default logical rules.

To install CaSQ, you can use the Python package distributed under the GNU GPLv3.

Just use your package manager of choice (pip, conda, etc.) like this:

python3 -m pip install casq

Another option is to install Docker and to then pull the CoLoMoTo image. It includes CaSQ.

Finally you can run such an image in the cloud (see for instance the notebook in tutorials/CaSQ, or run casq from a Jupyter terminal):
